
2 Train | Text Adventure Game

I am glad that I figured it out how to use just two key input in the game and create different stages for each scene. However, the flow it is not working so well after I tried to introduce another key input. There's a text...

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2 Train | Paper Wallet Prototype

Designing wallet for Lan. First I started of by asking what's the main issue with her current wallet. Her stuff tends to fall out because the zipper goes aroud the wallet creating too much openings. And in fact, she doesn't even like using zipper. So the...

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2 Train | Website Inspiration

James Turrell   James Turrell is an artist, his works usually involved and explore the relationship between light and space. I really like his index page, it is really clear what this wibsite is about– explore the work and learn more. It is very simple and straight forward,...

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2 Train | Creative Coding Example

  Dead President is a set of illustrations made by Kultur Design. It recreates well-known US presidential portrait by using custom drawing algorithm in Processing. It looks like shattered glass in bits of triangles, but when you zoom out you'll see this sophisticated portraits.   More info-  ...

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