
7-Design Wallet Prototype

In this exercise, we interviewed our partners about what they want in a wallet, then quickly designed and prototyped wallets to meet these needs. I worked with Karen, who wanted a wallet that was secure, easy to carry, and compact. I really love my wallet,...

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7-Design Week Recap

The beginning of this week was focused on prototyping. The goal of an early prototype is efficiency. It needs to make a concept or a product understandable, without adding superfluous details. On Tuesday we talked about design as research, and each group presented on a different...

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7-Design Inspiration

Music Charts Through History Polygraph/thepudding is a team that creates interactive data-driven stories on the web. This story illustrates the Billboard Top 100 from 1957 until 2016.   NYT Magazine - New York Issue The subject of this issue of NYT Magazine is "New York above 800 feet." The...

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7-Design Week Recap

Monday The theme of day 1 was how to get from a vague idea to something worth exploring. Mind mapping and domain mapping both seem like great ways to get started on a projects.   Tuesday The "good design vs bad design" presentations brought up some interesting conversations about...

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7-Web Wireframes

When you arrive on my site, the entire window is white aside from a centered logo and a link on either side. The background begins to fill with small specks randomly placed throughout the window. Moving the mouse, clicking, pressing certain keys, etc will all...

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7-Web Site Inspiration

A few sites I like: RR Dialogues Andrew Tyson Portfolio Department of New Realities     I'm looking to design a portfolio site that is simple enough to not distract from the work it's holding, but with an interactive element that lets the user have some fun....

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