
7Design- Weekly Summary

This is the last week of Bootcamp. After we had presented our initial concept last week, with all the feed back we got, we mainly focused on how to further develop our concept and polish our product this week. Most of the studio times this...

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Ellis Island

As someone who's still new to NY, Ellis Island is an interesting place to visit. Even though it's still a touristy spot, it is way less crazy than what I remembered trying to go see Lady Liberty was like. The museum itself was actually surprisingly...

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7Design- Week2 Recap

Weekly Recap, This week we main focused on prototyping and research as part of the design process. On Monday we started our discussion about different types and stages of prototypes. We were given the task to team up with a classmate and learn different research approach based...

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7Code- Text Advanture summary

"Hollywood" is a role playing game that allow player to explore their career in the film industry at Hollywood. The game was inspired by our current pop culture, as we put pressures on celebrity to maintain their imagine and fame, now it's the players' turn...

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7Design- Weekly Summary

Day 1: During Day 1 at Design Bootcamp we started by learning about mind mapping to help us develop ideas. Later on during lecture we also had a mind mapping exercise to help us get a feel about how mind mapping works. We were able to...

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