2 Train | Text adventure summary
Adventure: Navigate the elevators to get to D12. elevator_adventure-480p elevator_adventure_end-480p...
Continue ReadingAdventure: Navigate the elevators to get to D12. elevator_adventure-480p elevator_adventure_end-480p...
Continue Readinghttps://vimeo.com/284660400...
Continue ReadingPlaying with Processing classes, arrays, and loops...
Continue Reading"Hollywood" is a role playing game that allow player to explore their career in the film industry at Hollywood. The game was inspired by our current pop culture, as we put pressures on celebrity to maintain their imagine and fame, now it's the players' turn...
Continue ReadingAs the days for the midterm drew closer I became more and more stressed. My concept for my midterm was ambitious and there was only so much time to create while not driving myself into a restless hole in the ground. Instead of a traditional...
Continue ReadingMy text adventure is about the quest to find the Loch Ness monster, and the adventure around the lake looking for clues. Players must not immediately take the boat, and collect a stray can of tuna, in order to befriend Nessy at the end....
Continue ReadingHere I explored the possibilities of moving canvas and video capture day_7_homework...
Continue ReadingA copy of my exploration of for loops and creating interesting designs. Here I create colorful confetti day_6_homework...
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