L train-Shenyue’s Post
On the second week, we firstly went through the process of research. It is important to consider research as a part of design process. Then, we saw some examples of creative design which includes interaction between spaces, VR/AR, etc. Also, we did exercise to design a spaceship for traveling to Mars. The process was fun and helpful for brainstorming and better understanding the idea. Besides, we went through the steps of doing a project from how to define a problem to final prototype. We practiced how to find problems by generating mood board, how to write design statement, how to do prototype and how to give presentations. Doing the final project is helpful for me to practice the whole process and also I gained a lot on coding. The field trip was great and relaxing, except the pouring rain. The museum show the stores of first immigrants to US. (I couldn’t be able to attach the photos on the wordpress.)
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