
7-Code Text Adventure Summary

My text adventure is about the quest to find the Loch Ness monster, and the adventure around the lake looking for clues. Players must not immediately take the boat, and collect a stray can of tuna, in order to befriend Nessy at the end....

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7-Design Week in Review

We started off the week talking about prototypes, and how to create the most efficient prototype that, while simple, communicates our concept effectively. On Tuesday we went on to discuss the relationship between design and research, outlining the ways in which research can serve as a...

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7 Train. Summary of Week 2

This week we learnt the importance of prototyping and collaboration! Found out the significance of coming up with simple paper prototypes, as their cheap but get the message across. Prototyping experiences and spaces are also possible should definitely be done. As for our collaborative exercises, I thoroughly...

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7-Design Wallet Prototyping

This past week we were all instructed to prototype a wallet for a partner based on their specifications. My partner, Shuqi, requested that her wallet be dark in color (to hide stains), prominently feature a slot to insert photos into, have some sort of password...

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7 Train. Wallet Exercise

In this exercise, we were asked to pair up with someone from a different train, do a quick little interview and create the perfect wallet according to their need. I paired up with Allison, who wanted something secure, practical and stylish. She mentioned that she...

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